Friday, April 29, 2011

The Odyssey Reading Assignment

Over the weekend, Read Books 15 and 16 for a ten question quiz on Monday, 2 May. You will have the option to answer any 10 questions (short answer) out of 20 questions (most of the responses will require only a 3 to 5 word response).

SAT Vocabulary Test: List 7 on Monday, 2 May (same format as previous tests). Maximum Time: 5 Minutes

We will discuss Books 15 and 16 on Monday, 2 May and continue discussion on Tuesday, 3 May- if necessary. As a class we will examine Book 17 on Tuesday, 3 May.

You will Read Books 18 and 19 in preparation for Thursday's class on 5 May. You may OR may not have a quiz, but you will have a homework assignment TBA on Monday or Tuesday.

We will continue our discussion of The Odyssey on Thursday and Friday.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Internet Public Library "I wonder why Diedrich is providing this link? Perhaps, it is related to the mandatory research project?"

Documentation Styles

Snapshot Memoir Assignment

DUE DATE: Upon viewing this slide-show, you will discover when the assignment is due. FYI: The Memoir" is our next unit of study.

I realize some of you are asking, "What in the world is a "universal truth"? The answer to your question is what I desire for you to discover on your own... After all, this is part of your assgnment. However, we will discuss "universal truths" in class. Perhaps, we have already done so-by reading and discussing The Odyssey...

Writing Assignment Resource

Follow the guidelines in this powerpoint for correctly integrating quotations for your writing assignment for Books 9-12 of The Odyssey. Disregard the reference to the Pocket Style Manual, a resource we do not have at LMGHS.

Writing Assignment

Just a Reminder: Your response for Books 9-12 of The Odyssey is due when you return to class on Thursday, 28 April. Parents Please Take Note: I mentioned to the class that this would be your child's assignment over the break during the week of 4 April. Your child was aware of this assignment and therefore, I will not accept any late assignments. Thursday, 28 April: We will read and discuss Book 13 as a class. For Friday, 29 April: Read Book 14 in preparation for a 5 question quiz. Friday, 29 April: SAT Vocabulary List 6 (7 words from List 6 and 3 words from List 5) Start studying these words immediately-do not wait until Wednesday or Thursday to do so. (You were advised that your next quiz would occur on this day on 11 April.)

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Recall earlier in the year you completed two copies-one to maintain in your binder and one to turn-in. I am requesting that you "search" for your copy and move-it to the front of your binder. You might be asked for this by the Quality Review Team who will visit classrooms on Thursday, 14 April. I will ask to see your completed sheet on Monday, 11 April. (You should have one for each subject.)

For the week of 11 April

Bring The Odyssey (The Fitzgerald Text) to class everyday this week. Just a Reminder: You are to turn-in the Analyzing Quotations Chart for Book 9 immediately upon entering the classroom on Monday, 11 April. (A one-sentence response will NOT suffice.)

The Odyssey Reading Assignment

You were told that you would have to read Book 10 from the Fitzgerald text for a multiple-choice test on Monday, 11 April. I noticed that when I make announcements about upcoming assignments,only about one-third of the class will jot down what they are expected to do. This concerns me especially when you have your three-ring binders open and/or your student planners on your desk. Parents-Please take note of this.

SAT List 5 Vocabulary Test

Monday, 11 April-No time will be allocated for you to prepare. By now, you know what you have to study.

Monday, April 4, 2011

A Note about Vocabulary Quizzes

Effectively immediately, actually beginning with SAT Vocabulary Words for List 5, I will no longer permit you to review the words for 5 minutes at the beginning of the Band. You will start the quiz when the Band is scheduled to begin. Also, some of you need to re-read my post about how you were required to make-up your flash-cards! Throughout the world, students make-up flash-cards with the ONE vocabulary word on one side of the card and one definition for the vocabulary word on the reverse side of the card. When I check your cards on Monday, 11 April, this is what I expect to see-if you do not comply with my directive-you will receive a "ZERO."

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Odyssey Book Quizzes

Even with the correct responses for students to select (Book 7 and 8), too many students selected responses so obscure that they could not possibly answer the question. An inference that can be made is that students are not reading the text, or perhaps, if they are-not "carefully" enough. Hence, we will approach the reading of Book 9 as a class-using a variety of reading strategies to enhance our understanding of the text.

SAT Vocabulary Test

Monday, 4 April: List 4 (3 words from List 3). Recall what you were told last week: I should not have to remind you about the vocabulary test-every Monday! Study ahead of time-do not wait until the weekend to do so. Be Advised: I will flip through your cards to determine if you actually made-up words for List 4.

Friday, April 1, 2011

One Look Dictionary If you would like to "hear" the pronunciation of your SAT words, click on this link and enter a word. Not all have the audio icon-start with Merriam-and search for others.