Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Schedule for week of 20 December

Diedrich is back to posting comments on the blog.

Monday, 20 December: Introduction of The Dead Poets Society Project and viewing of the film.
Distribution of packet containing poems read and/or referred to in the film.

Tuesday, 21 December: Distribution of the Project for The Dead Poets Society. Three Options-
Option #1: Choral Reading (Bonus points if you dare); Option #2: Eulogy; Option #3: Commencement Speech. You must decide by Thursday, 23 December. I will pass around a sign-up sheet. If you are absent, you must email me your choice (KDiedri@schools.nyc.gov) immediately. If you change your mind, you must do so by midnight of Wednesday, 29 December. Presentations will begin on Tuesday, 4 January. I will first ask for volunteers, then I will random select names that have been written on index cards. You may "practice" in Room 404 on Monday, 3 January during the 371/2 minute tutorial period.

Thursday, 23 December: Root Word Quiz (siphon to theo) Project Option Selection. Complete viewing of DPS.