Saturday, February 27, 2010
Looking Ahead...
This web site as a poem-of-the-day email subscription-which could be of assistance on the Poem in Your Pocket Day (April 30)
Homework Exemption Opportunity: If you bring one of the poems from the above link on April 8-to SHARE with the class-you will receive an exemption from one homework assignment for the marking period.
FOR EXTRA CREDIT: If you MEMORIZE one poem of at least 12 lines from the above website and PRESENT it to the class on April 30, you receive a 10 point bonus on an essay/project grade or on a test grade (whichever will bring your grade up the most).
Friday, February 26, 2010
Vocabulary Quiz #3
Thursday, 4 March: epi to ish
Many of you are doing poorly on these quizzes-to do well-MAKE-UP FLASH CARDS!
Documentating Sources: Model Essays
A Call to Action (MLA)
Apes and Language: A Review of the Literature (APA)
Multigenre Project: Resource Links
A valuable resource for links to columnists, magazines, newspapers, essays, and all sorts of news and literary commentary.
mega search engines: vary your search engine selection
From group 6 (Artifact box)-I typed in "Harper Lee" in the search box and... perhaps, you can do the same for the author of your choice.
Historical Newspapers
The Compulsive Reader (Survey the side-bar for the "search" link as well as links for other resources.) You may also want to check-out "blogtalk radio." Just click on the image and search to determine if there is any information on your author-this could serve as an artifact.
Signs of Life in Music, Films and Culture-type the name of your chosen author in the search box...
Friday, February 19, 2010
Multigenre Writing
PARENTS: I provided this link for you just in case you have any concerns and/or doubts about the project I have assigned.
Citation Machine
A valuable resource for citing sources-MLA/APA.
Also, please review the resource provided by Cornell University(see blog post below-"Recognizing and Avoiding Plagiarism"). By now, everyone should have visited this site-do not be surprised if I quiz you on this information-Diedrich will know by students' reactions whether they have or have not-be prepared for the QUIZ!
Author Study: Multigenre Research Project
I will distribute informational handouts for the Multigenre Research Project.
For those of you anxious and/or excited about this upcoming project, visit and click on the links I have provided. I urge you to study the rubric-it is only 12 pages...
I suspect that many of you will have an author or two in mind prior to Thursday's class. We can discuss your selection at this time.
Romeo and Juliet Prologue Recitations
Romeo and Juliet Act I Presentations
E-Band: You will select scenes for Act I and work collaboratively for a class presentation.
Romeo and Juliet "Conferencing" Question
NO EXCUSES! Refer to posting below to discover how you will be graded.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Mult-genre Research Paper
(See class key on the Parent letter if you have not yet signed-on.)
Multi-genre Research Project Rubric
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Recognizing and Avoiding Plagiarism
Read the information provided by Cornell University and take the quiz that follows.
Soon, I will assign a Research Paper -one that is "structured" in such a way that you will be required to complete parts of the paper by designated due dates.
This will provide you with the opportunity to take advantage of the tutorial session at LMGHS Monday through Friday.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Evaluation and Grading Criteria for Conferencing
Romeo and Juliet Notes
You will need to enter the "class key" if you have not yet responded to the conference question (see parent letter). Upon your return from the break, I will begin to post conference questions on a regular basis.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Vocabulary Quiz
(chron to en)
Each subsequent quiz will also be on a Thursday. Plan ahead, study the next 25 meaningful word parts. Create flash-cards and you will do fine.
Homework Assignment: Act II, Scene 2
Prior to opening up your book to the text of this scene, click on this link to listen to the audio. Close your eyes and focus on how the words are "spoken" by Juliet and Romeo. Then, open your book to this scene and read the words aloud. Next, begin working on the questions assigned.
A Reminder: I do not accept late assignments.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Romeo and Juliet "Conferencing" Question
Is there such a thing as "love at first sight?" (See Diedrich for the Class Key if you have misplaced it.)
I will review the "decorum" for engaging with your classmates. In addition, I will distribute a handout indicating how you can and can not respond-you will sign this document.
This is part of your class participation grade.
Please keep in mind that parents have access to this site-In fact, I welcome their responses to questions posted. You are certainly welcome to respond to them...