Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Schedule for week of 20 December

Diedrich is back to posting comments on the blog.

Monday, 20 December: Introduction of The Dead Poets Society Project and viewing of the film.
Distribution of packet containing poems read and/or referred to in the film.

Tuesday, 21 December: Distribution of the Project for The Dead Poets Society. Three Options-
Option #1: Choral Reading (Bonus points if you dare); Option #2: Eulogy; Option #3: Commencement Speech. You must decide by Thursday, 23 December. I will pass around a sign-up sheet. If you are absent, you must email me your choice (KDiedri@schools.nyc.gov) immediately. If you change your mind, you must do so by midnight of Wednesday, 29 December. Presentations will begin on Tuesday, 4 January. I will first ask for volunteers, then I will random select names that have been written on index cards. You may "practice" in Room 404 on Monday, 3 January during the 371/2 minute tutorial period.

Thursday, 23 December: Root Word Quiz (siphon to theo) Project Option Selection. Complete viewing of DPS.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Schedule for Week of 29 November

F and H Bands, 29 November: Turn-in A Midsummer Night's Dream Project (Children's Book, Comic, collage, etc). Please bring to class the text for collection. We will not be "swapping" AMND for another since our next unit-POETRY-does not require an anthology (text).

F and H Bands, 30 November: Root Word Quiz #6 (nov to port) Poetry Unit continued-Please Note: There are approximately TEN poems that are mandated for all English 9 students to read and "analyze." Once this is accomplished, we can study other poems. Usually, I do not introduce all of the mandated poems "one after the other." I attempt to select poems depicting a related "theme" that may assist you with the understanding of the required pom(s). I realize that some of you have developed a "dislike" for poetry-this may hinder your academic achievement with this unit of study. Certainly, I will attempt to change your negativity through my approach to the teaching of poetry.

NOTE: Many of the activities for this unit involve group work. I have NOT been pleased by how some of you "work" in a group. This will be addressed this week.

F and H Bands: Showcasing of Your Projects: Similar to a Gallery Walk. Poetry Unit continued-prepare to take notes-then we will examine a selected poem.

F and H Bands: Poem Analysis and Group Presentation of Assigned Poem.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Schedule for week of 8 November

NOTE: Underclass pictures are scheduled for this week-H-Band: Monday, 8 November/F-Band: Tuesday, 9 November. Report directly to class-Do not ask to go to the restroom to brush your hair or to put on make-up!

Monday, 8 November: Turn-in "Love Letter" assignment (See last page of discussion guide-we will complete the other questions together as a class). Discussion of Project.

Tuesday, 9 November: Complete reading and discussion of Act III. Homework: TBA
(Since we will not see each other until Friday, you will definitely have an assignment to complete.)

Friday, 12 November: Root Word Quiz #3 (derm to grad, gress)/ Act III Quiz?

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Schedule for Week of 1 November

Monday, 1 November: Turn-in "Discussion" Guide for ACT II, scenes i and ii. Be prepared for a "short" quiz-same format as previous quizzes (Closed-book quiz). Homework: Act III study guide-Due: Thursday, 4 November. You should be working on your project-I will begin meeting one-to-one with you to check on your progress.

Thursday, 4 November: Mandated Periodic Assessment in ALL English 9 Classes the week of 1 November. Since both F and H Bands meet today, you will be administered this assessment consisting of a "Listening Passage" and several multiple choice questions. Root Word Quiz #2 (ced to dent). ???

Friday, 5 November: Turn-in Homework-Act III study guide. Be prepared for a class discussion-Socratic/"Quescussion"...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Schedule for Week of 25 October

Monday, 25 October: Test- A Midsummer Night's Dream-Act I, scene i and ii. Do not "stress" yourself over this-very basic questions on the plot-True/False, brief responses-one to two sentences-could very well be a "trick" question-for a total of 8 questions (Time allocated: 10 minutes) Turn-in homework-Translated Sentences.

Groups will present their assigned task in front of the classroom.

Tuesday, 26 October: Quiz on the "meaningful word parts." (The first 15-this is not a matching test-you will have to write the meaning of the root in the space provided.) After the quiz, we will begin reading and discussing Act II.

Thursday, 28 October: Act II continued. You should add names of "new" characters who appear to your Character Journal-along with a brief description-in your own words-not something "borrowed" from a resource.

Friday, 29 October: Act II Test? Depends... Only A, B, G, and H Bands meet.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Will we continue with the vocabulary tests?

On Tuesday, 19 October, you will receive a list of "Meaningful Word Parts." Studying these meaningful word parts will help you to unlock the meaning of thousands of SAT words. (Prefixes, Roots, Suffixes) We will continue to have the vocabulary quizzes on Tuesdays.
tion/ion=act of or state of
When we engage in word identification-we "read the meaning" from right- to- left: "The act of speaking well/good.

What would an "A" student do?

The above link provides the e-text of the play with extensive commentary. An "A" student in Diedrich's class would click on this link and read the text and the commentary prior to the assigned reading. He/she would probably also take notes for the purpose of enriching discussion in his class.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Midsummer Night's Dream

On Thursday, 14 October, you will return Of Mice and Men. If you do not do this, you will NOT receive this text.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

No Fear Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dreamhttp://www.amazon.com/Midsummer-Nights-Dream-Fear-Shakespeare/dp/1586638483/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&q

Some of you might be interested in purchasing this text-click on the Amazon link ($5.95 in book stores)-Shakespeare's text left side-translation right side. We will still focus on the language used by Shakespeare.

Schedule for Week of 11 October, 2010

Tuesday, 12 October: Of Mice and Men Test (Multiple Choice/Essay) You may use the text for the essay only.
Wednesday, 13 October: Special Schedule: H Band will meet today. Attendance is required. Inform your parents of this-see LMGHS Homepage. We will work on writing introductory paragraphs.
Thursday, 14 October: Bring Of Mice and Men text with you to class-we will "exchange" it for A Midsummer Night's Dream. Class activity will involve the writing of thesis statements and the introductory paragraph.
NOTE: We will begin reading A Midsummer Night's Dream the week of Monday, 18 October.
Friday, 15 October: The Five Paragraph Essay! Bring to class the pens I gave you-red-blue and green-I will not replace them.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Socratic Discussion

Have you ever been in one? You will on Thursday, 7 October when we examine Chapter 6. Naturally, I expect everyone to read this chapter prior to this day (surprise quiz?). This learning activity requires everyone to "participate" in a variety of ways-no excuses! SEE BELOW!

Socratic Discussion

View this video (ppt) prior to Tuesday's class -in preparation for Thursday's activity. Take Notes-I will ask to see them-perhaps-even ask you to turn them in... on Tuesday, 5 October.

Of Mice and Men Vocabulary Test

Vocabulary Test: Chapters 5 and 6 on 5 October, Tuesday.

Of Mice and Men Homework Assignment

For Monday, 4 October-read Chapter 5 in preparation for a Cooperative Learning Activity. After the QUIZ, you will report to your group you were assigned to for the Chapter 2 activity. At that time, I will distribute your folder containing the Chapter 2 graded responses. As a group, you will discuss my comments. Upon completion, distribute the Chapter 5 Group Activity (Study Guide) to each group member and begin working-you will only have Monday and fifteen-minutes on Tuesday to complete this activity. When I visit your group, I will ask you to take out the Chapter 2 activity so we can discuss it together. In addition, I will observe your collaboration on the Chapter 5 Study Guide Questions, providing assistance as needed.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Of Mice and Men Assignment

On Friday, 24 September, you will receive the Chapter 4 study guide which will be due on Thursday, 30 September. It requires a considerable degree of thought-so start on it early. Do not wait until Wednesday evening. So that your task is less overwhelming, you only have to answer 16 out of the 23 questions. Pay particular attention to the instructions at the top of the page-I will NOT give you any credit for a ONE sentence response! You may desire to record and/or continue your response on a separate sheet of paper.

Of Mice and Men Reading Assignment

Read Chapter 3 for Monday, 27 September. No study guide for this chapter. Perhaps, a "surprise" quiz?

Of Mice and Men Vocabulary Quiz

On Tuesday, 28 September, you will take a vocabulary quiz on Chapters 3 and 4
Format: Matching

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Themes of Violence

For week of 27 September...


EXPLAIN-ANALYZE-CONNECT... We will discuss these quotes and many others from the text in class. Read through them beforehand-What can you add? If you "download" this presentation/open to full-screen, you will be able to control the "speed" on your own. Be advised that you may see some of these very same quotes on a quiz/test.

The Great Depression

I suggest you view this ppt (video)-taking notes-since as a class we do not have enough "time" to wait for "everyone" to copy the notes into his/her notebook. Try to "connect" the information to Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Of Mice and Men Reading Assignment

On Thursday -23 September, we will form cooperative learning groups to respond to Critical Thinking Questions (the answer is not explicitly stated in the text) for Chapter 2. This means that you must read the chapter in its entirety prior to the start of class. Expect a "surprise" quiz as you enter the classroom-before you are randomly assigned to a group.

Of Mice and Men Vocabulary Quiz

On Tuesday-21 September, you will have a vocabulary quiz for Chapters 1 and 2.
Format: Matching (Make-up flash-cards-vocabulary word on one side-meaning on the other side of the card.)

Of Mice and Men Homework

Chapter 1 Study Guide (Question Sheet) Due: Monday, 20 September.Recall my instructions: "A one-sentence response will NOT answer any of the questions." DO NOT LEAVE ANY QUESTION UNANSWERED! You must complete the reading of the entire chapter on your own-on Monday we will engage in a discussion of this chapter.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Student Contract

Please return the student contract you received today on Monday,
13 September signed by your parent. This will "count" as a homework assignment.

Just a Reminder-you are required to use this type of notebook (not a spiral) and a three-ring binder that you may "share" with another class.

Coming Attractions

Posting of reading and written assignments will begin as soon as we receive the text.

Summer Reading Essay Test

Both classes (F and H-Bands) , will take the test for either Feed OR The Kite Runner on Monday, 13 September. This was announced in class-also posted on the chart in the classroom. You will select five questions (from 7-10) and simply respond in a paragraph. Each paragraph will be worth 20 points. A model for an "appropriate" response will be provided for you on the test question sheet. If you completed the assigned reading-even at the beginning of the summer-you will do fine.

Dear Parenst/Students

Effective this school-year, I will post information concerning homework, quizzes, class-related activities, etc. on this blog.

How to Write an Eleven-Sentence Paragraph

Mini-lesson for Tuesday (14 September): I suggest you take notes on this prior to Tuesday. We simply do not have enough time to wait until everyone has copied this information into his/her notebook. NOTE: I will not post all ppt on this blog-you will have to learn how to take notes.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Reader Responses

When writing a reader response, specific textual support-words/phrases (not just line numbers) is absolutely essential. Also, too many of you are providing a "retelling" rather than a "reaction."

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Odyssey

I know this is amazing-but this is what happened when
when I copied and pasted the link.
Check it out-a decent overview on The Odyssey

The Odyssey Homework Assignment

READER RESPONSE: Book 9-Minimum length- one and a half pages. Remember this assignment is not a summary, but rather a reaction (reader response).

DUE: E-Band- 27 May (Thursday)
F and G Bands-28 May (Friday)

A Word of Caution: Do not think that you can deceive Diedrich by writing four to five words on a line until you have met the minimum requirement of 1 1/2 pages.
If you attempt to do so, your grade will be lowered dramatically!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Author Study Celebration

Upon return of your author study, I would like everyone to "showcase" his or her work. Why did Diedrich include the word "celebration" in the title of this posting?

To truly make this a "special" occasion-refreshments and snacks will be served.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Odyssey Book Notes

This link will take you to the Notes that I have distributed for Books 1-4. Please be advised that YOU WILL HAVE TO READ THE ASSIGNED BOOK! I have provided this resource to aid you with the "Close Reading" of The Odyssey.

The Odyssey HW Assignment

All classes Read Books 5 and 6. Use Post-It Notes and Record Reactions. You should have five to six notes with responses per Book. I will check to determine if you have complied with this directive.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Odyssey Homework Assignment

Read Book 4 for Thursday's class. Also on Thursday, 20 May, you will be tested on Books 1-4.

Read Book 5 for Friday: Be prepared for a "surprise" quiz.

The Odyssey


Book-by-Book Study Guide: You will be tested on the information found in these study guides.

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Odyssey- A different translation

A translation with hyperlinks-might be less confusing for some than the Fitzpatrick text-CHECK-IT OUT.

The Odyssey Homework Assignment

Read Book 3 for Monday, 17 May. Be prepared for a quiz.
Place post-its on lines of text that you find interesting and/or confusing.
I would like us to engage in a student-led "Socratic" discussion-something that we have done previously-based on your active reading of this Book-your "placement" of the post-it.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Odyssey Homework Assignment

Due Monday, 10 May, All classes: Book Two Study Guide Questions. You will write out the entire question-you will skip a space(line) after each question before beginning your response, you will respond in complete sentences, you will skip a space(line) after each response before you begin the next question(you will learn the name for this type rhetorical device -the manner in which the sentence is constructed-in AP Language and Composition).

Provide the proper heading: The Odyssey
Book Two

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Odyssey: Who's who

On Thursday, 13 May, you will be tested (matching) on all the gods, goddesses, and mortals listed on the handout "The Odyssey: Who's who." Begin studying NOW!

The Odyssey Vocabulary Quiz #3

Quiz # 3: Words 41-60-Monday, 10 May.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Odyssey


Pronunciation Guide for gods and goddesses. Be patient-the audio clips take time to download-at least they did on my computer. If you are not familiar with the pronunciation, take time to learn how to say their names.

Book Distribution

On Monday, 26 April, you will receive your copy of The Odyssey.

The Odyssey

The Odyssey: Choose Your Character Game-Have Fun and Learn...

Multi-genre Research Project

We may or may not have access to the Computer Lab in Room 402 on Monday, 26 April for you to conduct research on your author study. Specific classes are assigned to use that room-it all depends on their willingness to swap rooms for a day.

April Is National Poetry Month

YES! You will finally have the opportunity to share your poem.
The sharing and/or recitation will begin the week of 26 April.
Refer to the blog entry posted below (click on "older" posts for details).

The Odyssey Vocabulary Quiz #1

Monday, 26 April: Vocabulary Word Quiz (1-20) MATCHING
(Seven Minutes Maximum)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Literary Criticism


A valuable resource for your multi-genre project. You will have to "search" to locate information on your selected author. You should save this resource for future use.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Multigenre Research Project

FOUR ADDITIONAL ARTIFACTS DUE ON THURSDAY, 8 APRIL. The accompanying paragraph for EACH paragraph must include how you located the artifact and reasons for including it in your multi-genre author study.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Meaningful Word Part Quiz #6

Thursday, 8 April: scop to voc

Quiz Time: 7 minutes

Make-up flash-cards!

Multigenre Research Project:

Due Thursday, 25 March: Three Artifacts for your selected author- along with the required paragraph(see handout)
We will discuss this in class on Monday, 22 March.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Meaningful Word Part QUiz #5

Thursday, 18 March: ortho to scrib

Note: ped/pod=foot NOT food-as indicated on your study sheet

I find it "remarkable" that the same students-too many of you-are resistant to making-up flash-cards to use as a study aid. I am certain this will change when I share your low grades on the quizzes with your parents during Parent Teacher Conferences on Thursday and Friday of this week. I wonder what excuse you are going to give your parents...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Meaningful Word Part Quiz #4

Thursday, 11 March: ism to omni

Too many of you are doing poorly on these quizzes-make up flash cards!

You will be given eight minutes to complete this quiz-do not plead/beg for additional time-it will not work this time.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Looking Ahead...

APRIL IS NATIONAL POETRY MONTH-An opportunity to receive an exemption from a homework assignment!

This web site as a poem-of-the-day email subscription-which could be of assistance on the Poem in Your Pocket Day (April 30)

Homework Exemption Opportunity: If you bring one of the poems from the above link on April 8-to SHARE with the class-you will receive an exemption from one homework assignment for the marking period.

FOR EXTRA CREDIT: If you MEMORIZE one poem of at least 12 lines from the above website and PRESENT it to the class on April 30, you receive a 10 point bonus on an essay/project grade or on a test grade (whichever will bring your grade up the most).

Friday, February 26, 2010

Vocabulary Quiz #3


Thursday, 4 March: epi to ish

Many of you are doing poorly on these quizzes-to do well-MAKE-UP FLASH CARDS!

Documentating Sources: Model Essays

A Call to Action (MLA)

Apes and Language: A Review of the Literature (APA)

Integrating Reference Citations (APA/MLA)



Multigenre Project: Resource Links



A valuable resource for links to columnists, magazines, newspapers, essays, and all sorts of news and literary commentary.


mega search engines: vary your search engine selection


From group 6 (Artifact box)-I typed in "Harper Lee" in the search box and... perhaps, you can do the same for the author of your choice.


Historical Newspapers


The Compulsive Reader (Survey the side-bar for the "search" link as well as links for other resources.) You may also want to check-out "blogtalk radio." Just click on the image and search to determine if there is any information on your author-this could serve as an artifact.


Signs of Life in Music, Films and Culture-type the name of your chosen author in the search box...

Friday, February 19, 2010

Multigenre Writing


PARENTS: I provided this link for you just in case you have any concerns and/or doubts about the project I have assigned.

Citation Machine


A valuable resource for citing sources-MLA/APA.

Also, please review the resource provided by Cornell University(see blog post below-"Recognizing and Avoiding Plagiarism"). By now, everyone should have visited this site-do not be surprised if I quiz you on this information-Diedrich will know by students' reactions whether they have or have not-be prepared for the QUIZ!

Author Study: Multigenre Research Project

On Thursday, 25 February after the Meaningful Word-part Quiz #2 (chron to en),
I will distribute informational handouts for the Multigenre Research Project.

For those of you anxious and/or excited about this upcoming project, visit nicenet.org and click on the links I have provided. I urge you to study the rubric-it is only 12 pages...

I suspect that many of you will have an author or two in mind prior to Thursday's class. We can discuss your selection at this time.

Romeo and Juliet Prologue Recitations

Monday, 22 February is the last day to recite the Prologue if you have not yet done so. I will not permit anyone to have a "do-over."

Romeo and Juliet Act I Presentations

F and G Bands will begin their presentations of their assigned scenes on Monday, 22 February. You will have 12 minutes to finish your preparations. DO NOT TELL ME YOU ARE UNABLE TO PRESENT SINCE A GROUP MEMBER IS ABSENT! I gave specific instructions for ALL members to take notes just in case this would happen. Your group will lose one-full letter grade if this occurs.

E-Band: You will select scenes for Act I and work collaboratively for a class presentation.

Romeo and Juliet "Conferencing" Question

I have three classes averaging 30 students per class-yet, only 38 students have responded to the first conference question posted on nicenet.org for Romeo and Juliet. This was NOT optional! Recall my instructions? I even directed all classes to the Class Key that was written on the board (E-Band-see parent letter).

NO EXCUSES! Refer to posting below to discover how you will be graded.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Mult-genre Research Paper

I have provided links for informational handouts related to this assignment on www.nicenet.org

(See class key on the Parent letter if you have not yet signed-on.)

Multi-genre Research Project Rubric

Visit www.nicenet.org to discover a MAJOR project for the Spring Semester.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Recognizing and Avoiding Plagiarism

Read the information provided by Cornell University and take the quiz that follows.

Soon, I will assign a Research Paper -one that is "structured" in such a way that you will be required to complete parts of the paper by designated due dates.

This will provide you with the opportunity to take advantage of the tutorial session at LMGHS Monday through Friday.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Evaluation and Grading Criteria for Conferencing

Refer to nicenet.org to discover how I will grade your discussion responses.

Romeo and Juliet Notes

I have posted "notes" and questions for each of the scenes on nicenet.org

You will need to enter the "class key" if you have not yet responded to the conference question (see parent letter). Upon your return from the break, I will begin to post conference questions on a regular basis.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Vocabulary Quiz

Meaningful Word Part Quiz #2: Thursday, 25 February

(chron to en)

Each subsequent quiz will also be on a Thursday. Plan ahead, study the next 25 meaningful word parts. Create flash-cards and you will do fine.

Homework Assignment: Act II, Scene 2

Study Guide: Act 2, Scene 2 Study Guide will be distributed in class on Monday, 8 February. You will complete this study guide over the break and turn it in on Monday, 22 February. Please keep in mind that the majority of the questions are categorized as inferential/critical thinking-thus, I should NOT see "identical" responses on students' papers. If I do, all students involved in copying from another student's paper will not receive any credit.


Prior to opening up your book to the text of this scene, click on this link to listen to the audio. Close your eyes and focus on how the words are "spoken" by Juliet and Romeo. Then, open your book to this scene and read the words aloud. Next, begin working on the questions assigned.

A Reminder: I do not accept late assignments.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Romeo and Juliet "Conferencing" Question

You must sign-on to http://www.nicenet.org/ for the following question:

Is there such a thing as "love at first sight?" (See Diedrich for the Class Key if you have misplaced it.)

I will review the "decorum" for engaging with your classmates. In addition, I will distribute a handout indicating how you can and can not respond-you will sign this document.

This is part of your class participation grade.

Please keep in mind that parents have access to this site-In fact, I welcome their responses to questions posted. You are certainly welcome to respond to them...

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Romeo and Julist Assignment

Everyone is required to MEMORIZE this for class presentation during the week of 8 February("Yes, you will have to stand up in front of the classroom-No, you may not present during the 371/2 minute tutoring session!").

Book Distribution: Thursday, 4 February-so begin the process of memorization NOW!


Two households, both alike in dignity
(In fair Verona, where we lay our scene),
From ancient grudge, break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life;
Whose misadventured piteous overthrows
Doth with their death bury their parents' strife.
The fearful passage of their death-marked love,
And the continuance of their parents' rage,
Which, but their children's end, naught could remove,
Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage;
The which, if you with patient ears attend,
What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.

No Fear Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet


Why is Diedrich providing this link that will give you the "Original" text side-by-side with a "Modern" day translation?

Answer; He knows that students are aware of this resource, along with other "tools" that students use. In addition, students will STILL have to read the Shakespearean text in class for the purpose of developing an understanding of the "richness" and "beauty" of this language-which is ENGLISH!

Interactive Folio and Study Guide: Romeo and Juliet

Sign on to nicenet.org (Class Key: See Mr. Diedrich) Use your "real" name" since we will begin using this site for conferencing.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Vocabulary Quizzes

Until the further notice, you will now be tested on "meaningful-word-parts."

First-Quiz: a, an to cede (25)

Format: You must record the meaning of the "meaningful word-part" in the space provided. (They will not appear on the page.) Suggested method of study: Flash cards-simply cut-up slips of paper or use index cards.

E, F, G Bands: First-Quiz- Thursday, 11 February.

Each subsequent quiz will also be given on Thurdays. I suggest you print this study resource and "count-off" every 25 "meaningful word-parts. Study ahead and you will do fine.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Vocabulary Quiz: Unit 9

Friday, 22 January

Format: Matching

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Loose-Leaf Binder

Bring your three-ring binder to class on Tuesday, 19 January. No excuses for leaving it at home or in your locker (I will NOT permit you to go to your locker and retrieve it!)

You must have EVERYTHING (all of the handouts you have been given since September) "organized" in your three-ring binder-NOT in a folder!

Attention F-Band Class: Your "reward" will have to be delayed until...

Midterm Examination

A Reminder: Your Midterm Examination will be administered on Tuesday, 19 January, as designated by the AP of the Humanities Department. If you are absent, you must make-up the test by the end of the day on Friday, 22 January.

Since I will be conducting tutoring for the English Regents on Friday afternoon, you may take it at that time. (If you have lunch D-Band, you may take it in Room 404-there is not too much room at that time since the class is full-so I may not have room for too many students to make-up the test.)

Recall the format-A poem and a narrative passage with a similar controlling idea.
You will be asked to respond to a "prompt" in an essay format. This is not "new" for anyone. You did this in eighth-grade. It is graded using the same rubric that is used on the English Regents (I encourage you to refer to it while writing your essay.)

Vocabulary Quiz: Unit 9

Unit 9 Quiz: Friday, 22 January.

Format: Matching

A Recommendation: Make-up flash cards. Do not discard after the quiz-keep them so you can review the words periodically.